Check out this
video about how to play the Jigsaw Puzzles.
Playing the Puzzles
Having trouble with the jigsaw puzzles? Here are some suggestions that may help.
- To play the puzzles at Just Jigsaw Puzzles you must have a fairly modern web browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge). If you have an older computer or operating system, then it may not support current HTML5 standards that the game uses. The games will not work if you have JavaScript disabled. Often content blockers, such as ad blockers, will get in the way of the game. Be sure to whitelist this site if you use content blockers.
- Restart your computer. A bit of a cliche, but it often works. Sometimes a browser can malfunction and simply restarting will solve the problem.
- Some people have reported that their browser will not show the puzzles even after trying the above steps. However, an alternate browser works fine. Try Chrome or Firefox.
- Perhaps the issue is that you are having trouble accessing the server. You can check that with this link. If it opens an image (Van Gogh) then you are able to contact the server.
Receiving the Daily Email Newsletter
Did you sign up for the daily email and are not receiving it? Here are some things you can try.
- If you have changed your email address lately, you will need to re-subscribe with the new email address. Go to the main page and enter your new email address in the subscription form there.
- Look in your spam/junk folder to see if you email program is putting the newsletter there instead of your inbox.
- Your email address may automatically be removed from the list if it bounces or you hit the spam/junk button in your email program, even if you do that accidentally. It is also easy to accidentally hit the unsubscribe link in the message. You can always just resubscribe.
- If you are not sure why you are not receiving the email messages, simply try re-subscribing.
- If you are still unable to receive the newsletters, keep in mind that they are only reminders to check out the daily jigsaw puzzle. You do not need them to play. You can simply go to each day and the daily puzzle shown on the page.
- If you want to stop receiving the email messages, just click the unsubscribe link that comes in every message.
- If you want to change which email address receives the email newsletter, just click the unsubscribe link in any newsletter, and then re-subscribe using your new address.

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